My Partner in the Journey

Life is a journey. We don’t get to choose everything that comes our way and we wouldn’t want to. The mystery adds excitement!

One thing we do get to choose is who we take with us on the journey. By the grace of God, I chose well. My husband, Frank, has been on the journey with me for twenty-three years now! We’ve experienced a lot of life together. We’ve shared joy and we’ve shared grief. We’ve changed jobs and moved several times. We are raising kids and running a business. We have our ups and downs in life and in marriage, but we choose to go through the journey together.

So, who is this man who chooses everyday to stay committed to our marriage and family? Frank is an outgoing, fun guy. He’s never met a stranger and enjoys having friends over for cookouts. He can be hyper and loud when we’re with a group, but he settles down at home. He loves his car and enjoys showing it off at car shows. He runs a crawl space business, but tries not to let it consume him. He loves Mountain Dew and has the kidney stones to prove it! He loves the beach and his Oakley sunglasses. Flip-flops are his style and he has a great sense of humor!

He’s an awesome dad to our four kids. He’s loving and caring and even still holds them. He spends time with them, taking them fishing while on vacation and often when we’re home. He prays with them every night and never misses a game or choir concert. Whatever the kids are doing, Frank is there to support them. Whether it’s our high schooler cheering at a football game or as an extra in a play, or one of the elementary kids playing the recorder and singing, Frank is there for our kids. We all go to every cartoon/kid movie, bowling, swimming, hiking, canoeing, and more. He hugs them and teases them as every dad should. He teaches them right from wrong and sets a godly example. He enjoys being their dad and they know it!

Who would’ve guessed what the journey would bring? So many struggles and so much growth! Frank’s a great husband and he calls me his best friend. We have fun together and spur one another on. He encourages me to follow the Lord and to chase my dreams. He’s my biggest fan, reading everything I write (well, at least skimming it…lol!) He’s proud to be my husband and we love each other! He makes me mad, then he makes me laugh! After twenty-three years, wrinkles, grey hair, and weight gain, he still tells me that I’m beautiful! He enjoys spending time with me on our little dates. He makes my hot tea every morning and takes time to pray for me.

Through the years, what I’ve loved the most is watching Frank grow in the Lord. We’ve always attended church and spent time serving in various ministries. God is always working and He doesn’t leave us like He found us. He’s in new creation business. Frank has grown more dedicated to God and looks more like Jesus than he did when we said “I do”. He gets up every morning and spends time praying and reading his Bible and devotion. Our youngest child, Nicholas has even mimicked his dad doing his quiet time. Because of his growth in the Lord, Frank has grown more loving, patient, and kind. And, as he’s watched God bless and provide, he has grown leaps and bounds in generosity.

The encouraging truth is that we get to choose who we take on our journey. No one is flawless; we all have our struggles, but with God’s grace and love we will continue to grow more like Him!  


  1. Thanks Baby, those kind words mean a lot to me. God knew I needed a special person to help me along the way, so he sent his best!

    Love you

  2. I love this! Way to show some love to what sounds like an amazing partner and father!

    1. Thank you:) I’m truly blessed by my husband!

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