I started writing this in July 2018…I’m finally ready to encourage others by sharing this journey with grief. My grief is still overwhelming at times. …
How To Know If You Are a Prayer Warrior
“Pray at all times, in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert in this with all perseverance and intercession for all the …
Why Bad Things Happen to Good People
Two mass shootings within 14 hours! In El Paso, 22 were killed and dozens injured, including a 4-month old baby. In Dayton, 9 were killed, …
25 Years and Counting…Marriage is a Blessing
He left the house in pursuit of a quick take-out meal. He was as happy and carefree as a child on a slide. When he …
How to Overcome Fear, Biblically
In his first inaugural address, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief, that the only thing we have …
God Cares for You
God cares for you. It seems simple enough, but we often forget to rely on Him. We tend to get anxious about…well, about most everything. …
Compassion of Jesus
When Nicholas was younger, he was my grocery store buddy. One day, when he was 4-years old we made our usual grocery visit. As we …
God’s Unfailing Love
Have you ever loved someone, who didn’t love you back? It’s the most difficult and painful experience on earth. Perhaps, you’ve experienced a time when …
God’s Pruning of the Branch
There is nothing like the beauty of God’s creation! Sitting on the porch, I enjoy listening to the birds, as they praise and watching the …
Mission Trip to Belize, Part 2
After six months of preparation and fundraising, we were ready to serve in Belize. Reflecting on this time of service, revealed several questions to consider. …
Mission Trip to Belize
Because I love Jesus, I love serving Him and people! Jesus said, “I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have …
Keeping Faith in God During Hard Times
As I look out my window, I see the pouring rain drenching the deck and flooding the grass. The sound isn’t the peacefulness I enjoy …
6 Tips to Combat the Invisible Woman Syndrome
While many women feel invisible in various stages of life, the invisible woman syndrome usually preys on the middle-aged woman. She begins to be …
Was Panama City Forgotten After Hurricane Michael?
We love the beach, so it’s now surprise that this is our third time visiting Panama City Beach within a year! We aren’t surprised by …
Morning Delight
Morning is the most delightful part of every day As the sun awakens, light pours forth; darkness is overcome with brush and paint, a masterpiece …
Diamond in the Rough Meaning and Devotion
“We all, with unveiled faces are looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image …
How to Know if You Are a Prayer Warrior, Like Daniel
I long to pray like the prophet Daniel! He was a humble servant of God, during Judah’s exile to Babylon and he was a mighty …
Beautifully Broken
Beautifully broken, the beating but aching heart Beautifully broken, so many mistakes, but not all yours So many things, out of your control So much …
A Prayer for My Teenage daughter, Jocelyn, on Her 16th Birthday
Father God, You are good and loving and awe-inspiring! You created the world and pronounced itas good. Your beauty fills the whole earth! Your creation …
Encouragement For Those Suffering With Invisible Woman Syndrome
Have you ever heard of invisible woman syndrome? I knew it existed, but only recently discovered the name. No, it’s not the art of disappearing …
My Partner in the Journey
Who we take on the journey is just as important as the journey itself. This is an encouraging word about my partner in the journey.
5 Beliefs of Christians that Lead to Great Defiance
Defiance. Resistance, opposition, disobedience, rebellion. It is what we do, when we don’t want to do what we ought or what we are instructed. It …
To the Mom With the Crying Baby and Talking Toddler
Dear Precious Momma, You often come in late to church. Your arms are filled to capacity. You wear your precious baby on your hip and …
What Treasure was in Sodom?
We treasure what is important to us. And what we treasure is revealed by how we live. Who do you choose to spend time with? …
God Turns Fear into Courage in a Mighty Warrior
In his first inaugural address, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief, that the only thing we have …