While many women feel invisible in various stages of life, the invisible woman syndrome usually preys on the middle-aged woman. She begins to be treated differently than she was in the past. Many factors contribute to this very real change. For more on these factors, check out the post: Encouragement for those suffering with the invisible woman syndrome at the link below: https://encouragingtruth.com/encouragement-for-those-suffering-with-invisible-woman-syndrome/
Feeling invisible leads to depression and anxiety. We pull away from social situations knowing we’re invisible whether we’re there or not. Pulling away leads to more depression and feelings of loneliness. It’s a vicious cycle that needs to be broken.
We need to learn some ways to fight the invisible woman syndrome. Granted, these suggestions won’t be an end all cure all. We can’t instantly fix the way society sees us, but we can change the way we handle the situations causing us to feel invisible. And, we can help others to see us, one person at a time. Let’s look at six tips to combat the invisible woman syndrome.

- Speak up for yourself. You knew I was going to say that, didn’t you? When we allow others to treat us like we aren’t there, we are affirming the societal belief that we’re don’t matter or have anything valuable to offer. When the restaurant server fills my husband’s drink and leaves mine empty, I must speak up. When I’m dismissed in a conversation, I need to speak up. When someone treats me like I’m invisible I must speak up. You, invisible woman, have wisdom that needs to be shared, so don’t allow anyone to treat you otherwise.
- Politely stand your ground. Often the invisible woman just gives in, instead of standing for her opinion. She backs down in disagreements or doesn’t offer her ideas. I will often go silent in a situation instead of expressing my idea, but that doesn’t help me to be seen or respected. The invisible woman has to make herself seen, so she needs to realize that she has something valuable to offer and share her opinion with confidence.
- Call a friend for some girl time. Okay, this one can be tough. Truth be told, our friends make major contributions to our feelings of invisibility. Our closest friends can take us for granted. Maybe, someone forgot to call on your birthday or she was supposed to meet you for coffee and didn’t show up. Ouch! Busyness gets in the way of many good friendships. The thing is, you need good friends to remind you of how valuable and loved you are. So, if your friend has made a few mistakes, forgive her and continue growing and nurturing the friendship. If your friend forgets you a lot, it’s time to find a better friend. I’m not saying to let this one go, I’m just saying see if there is another friend you could get to know better. Find a friend that has more time for you in this season. You need friends who make you feel visible and loved. You deserve friends who see you and who want to get to know you and spend time with you. You need positive relationships that will prove that you’re seen. There is nothing better than time with a good friend to refresh your soul!
- Spend time with your family. If you’re married, date your husband. Before you were married, you and your husband spent time doing things together. You went to movies or the park or out to dinner. And something about that time made you feel special. You listened to one another’s dreams and goals. So, do that again. It can be as simple as going for a drive together or having a picnic. Your husband should make you feel seen and valued. If he’s not, try telling him how much you appreciate him and that you miss the things you used to do together. Spend time with other family members. Visit your parents, have lunch with a sibling, re-connect with a cousin, and go on a trip with your kids. Spend lots of time with those who love you and build you up! Allow your family to remind you of how valued you are. When we feel invisible, we want to blend into the walls, so it’s important to combat that feeling by getting out and spending time with people who encourage us and make us feel seen.
- Stop acting like you don’t matter. When we feel a certain way, we start acting like we feel. The truth is that you matter a great deal. You’re created in the image of God and He has a purpose for you…it doesn’t matter if your kids are babies or grown; if you work in or out of the home; if you work out or eat out; if you live in a shack or a mansion; if you are healthy or not…God loves you and He wants you to trust Him wherever you are. He wants you to know that you are cherished by Him…more precious than rubies! That is the truth, so let your actions reflect that truth.
- Take time for you. Take time to ponder your feelings and to focus on what God says about you. Spend time with the lover of your soul…pray. Take time to do something you enjoy. What do you enjoy? Reading? Working out? Crafts? Plan time for some of the things you enjoy. It’s amazing how grounded we become when we take time to unplug and enjoy life. Take time to make you feel good about yourself. Get your nails painted, have your hair done, buy a new outfit, get dressed up. Take time to make yourself feel as beautiful as you are.

These tips will help the invisible woman to see herself. She must see herself before she can help others open their eyes to their misconceptions and assumptions about her. If you know an invisible woman, remember to see her and help others to see her as well.
Great tips! Husbands need to speak up for their wives as well. My wife means the world to me!
Yes they do! A husband can definitely help his wife to feel seen and loved.