Have you ever had something happen that shook your entire world to the core? Perhaps, you were in an accident, or a family member became …
What Shook Your Entire World to the Core?

Have you ever had something happen that shook your entire world to the core? Perhaps, you were in an accident, or a family member became …
Do you have a word for the year? Let me be real…initially I wasn’t a fan of having a word for the year. God doesn’t …
My youngest daughter turned 16 on December 17th. Like every parent, I wanted to make this birthday special…even more special than the others. So, along …
Many people like to map Bible verses to help with understanding and memorization. This video is a simple demonstration of Bible verse mapping. Please remember …
Christian leaders face many struggles and obstacles. Yet, the Old Testament is filled with examples of inspirational biblical leadership. Recently, leaders at a local Christian …
When I was a little girl, my grandparents had a huge garden with rolls of green beans, corn, squash, and more. There were trees throughout …
Philippians: Learning to Love others, is now available through Amazon and various bookstores. The study takes us on a journey with Paul to Macedonia. There, …
In his first inaugural address, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief, that the only thing we have …
God cares for you. It seems simple enough, but we often forget to rely on Him. We tend to get anxious about…well, about most everything. …
Have you ever loved someone, who didn’t love you back? It’s the most difficult and painful experience on earth. Perhaps, you’ve experienced a time when …
Because I love Jesus, I love serving Him and people! Jesus said, “I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have …
As I look out my window, I see the pouring rain drenching the deck and flooding the grass. The sound isn’t the peacefulness I enjoy …
Who we take on the journey is just as important as the journey itself. This is an encouraging word about my partner in the journey.
Defiance. Resistance, opposition, disobedience, rebellion. It is what we do, when we don’t want to do what we ought or what we are instructed. It …
Dear Precious Momma, You often come in late to church. Your arms are filled to capacity. You wear your precious baby on your hip and …
We treasure what is important to us. And what we treasure is revealed by how we live. Who do you choose to spend time with? …
In his first inaugural address, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief, that the only thing we have …
Two mass shootings within 14 hours! In El Paso, 22 were killed and dozens injured, including a 4-month old baby. In Dayton, 9 were killed, …
Zombies are everywhere! They are in movies, television shows, and video games! With Halloween just around the corner, zombie popularity will only increase. Perhaps, …
God often gives me the same Scripture multiple times to ensure that I will get it. In the same way that I have to tell …
I thought I knew the way, but I plugged the address into the GPS just to be sure. I didn’t want the kids to be …