Valentine’s Day is one of my least favorite holidays. I love flowers and candy, but I don’t like the feeling some have who didn’t receive …
To the Woman Who’s Lonely on Valentine’s Day

Inspirational Christian devotional writing and teaching the truth for life.
Valentine’s Day is one of my least favorite holidays. I love flowers and candy, but I don’t like the feeling some have who didn’t receive …
Have you ever had something happen that shook your entire world to the core? Perhaps, you were in an accident, or a family member became …
Do you have a word for the year? Let me be real…initially I wasn’t a fan of having a word for the year. God doesn’t …
Many people teaching the Word of God, do not know or understand how to correctly interpret or apply it. As people of God and of …
Christian leaders face many struggles and obstacles. Yet, the Old Testament is filled with examples of inspirational biblical leadership. Recently, leaders at a local Christian …
When I was a little girl, my grandparents had a huge garden with rolls of green beans, corn, squash, and more. There were trees throughout …
He left the house in pursuit of a quick take-out meal. He was as happy and carefree as a child on a slide. When he …
I started writing this in July 2018…I’m finally ready to encourage others by sharing this journey with grief. My grief is still overwhelming at times. …
In his first inaugural address, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief, that the only thing we have …
God cares for you. It seems simple enough, but we often forget to rely on Him. We tend to get anxious about…well, about most everything. …
When Nicholas was younger, he was my grocery store buddy. One day, when he was 4-years old we made our usual grocery visit. As we …
Have you ever loved someone, who didn’t love you back? It’s the most difficult and painful experience on earth. Perhaps, you’ve experienced a time when …
There is nothing like the beauty of God’s creation! Sitting on the porch, I enjoy listening to the birds, as they praise and watching the …
After six months of preparation and fundraising, we were ready to serve in Belize. Reflecting on this time of service, revealed several questions to consider. …
Because I love Jesus, I love serving Him and people! Jesus said, “I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have …
As I look out my window, I see the pouring rain drenching the deck and flooding the grass. The sound isn’t the peacefulness I enjoy …
While many women feel invisible in various stages of life, the invisible woman syndrome usually preys on the middle-aged woman. She begins to be …
We love the beach, so it’s now surprise that this is our third time visiting Panama City Beach within a year! We aren’t surprised by …
Morning is the most delightful part of every day As the sun awakens, light pours forth; darkness is overcome with brush and paint, a masterpiece …
“We all, with unveiled faces are looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image …
I long to pray like the prophet Daniel! He was a humble servant of God, during Judah’s exile to Babylon and he was a mighty …
Beautifully broken, the beating but aching heart Beautifully broken, so many mistakes, but not all yours So many things, out of your control So much …
“Pray at all times, in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert in this with all perseverance and intercession for all the …
Have you ever heard of invisible woman syndrome? I knew it existed, but only recently discovered the name. No, it’s not the art of disappearing …
Defiance. Resistance, opposition, disobedience, rebellion. It is what we do, when we don’t want to do what we ought or what we are instructed. It …