Valentine’s Day is one of my least favorite holidays. I love flowers and candy, but I don’t like the feeling some have who didn’t receive …
To the Woman Who’s Lonely on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is one of my least favorite holidays. I love flowers and candy, but I don’t like the feeling some have who didn’t receive …
My youngest daughter turned 16 on December 17th. Like every parent, I wanted to make this birthday special…even more special than the others. So, along …
When I was a little girl, my grandparents had a huge garden with rolls of green beans, corn, squash, and more. There were trees throughout …
He left the house in pursuit of a quick take-out meal. He was as happy and carefree as a child on a slide. When he …
While many women feel invisible in various stages of life, the invisible woman syndrome usually preys on the middle-aged woman. She begins to be …
Father God, You are good and loving and awe-inspiring! You created the world and pronounced itas good. Your beauty fills the whole earth! Your creation …
Who we take on the journey is just as important as the journey itself. This is an encouraging word about my partner in the journey.
Dear Precious Momma, You often come in late to church. Your arms are filled to capacity. You wear your precious baby on your hip and …