Valentine’s Day is one of my least favorite holidays. I love flowers and candy, but I don’t like the feeling some have who didn’t receive a gift this year. What about those who don’t have a “Valentine” for any number of reasons? I don’t like that some may feel unloved or cared for, partially due to this red, heart holiday.
This letter is to those who don’t have a Valentine at this time, but wish they did. (I know some don’t have a Valentine and really don’t want one and that’s great too:). I just want you all to know how loved an valued you are.
Dear Beloved,
I’m sorry that you’re alone and wish that you weren’t. I’m sorry for the heartbreak you’ve experienced. Whether, the heartbreak is fresh or has had years to heal, I’m sorry for your pain. I’m sorry there’s a million reminders about Valentine’s…from commercials, to flowers, balloons, candy and such. And I’m sorry for the social media posts, the ones from your own dear friends…the posts that seem to rub salt into the wounds, of your aching and bleeding heart.

Regardless of why you’re alone this Valentine’s, I want you to know that God is close to the broken hearted and He loves you. He lavishes you with great love and if you have accepted Him, He calls you His child (1 John 3:1). You are dearly loved and chosen (Col. 3:12). And unlike earthly love, His love is everlasting (Jer. 31:3). He not only knows your name but, has written your name on the palms of His hands (Is. 49:16). He tenderly holds you…you’re His delicate rose.
I’m sorry that you’re hurting. Even in the hurt, you’re God’s treasured possession (Deut. 14:2). You’re more precious than rubies! Don’t forget how valuable you are!
God hasn’t forgotten you or abandoned you. He knows the desires of your heart, but He has so much more in store. God has a better plan for you, than you could ever have for yourself. His plans are good and filled with hope. He knows what’s ahead and His timing is perfect. “Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord” (Psalm 27:14). God can be trusted with your fragile heart. He will tenderly piece it back together. When His plan unfolds, you better be ready…It will be better than you could dream!

So, on Valentine’s Day spend time talking with the eternal lover of your soul. Then, eat some chocolate and watch a funny movie. Or, better yet, call and encourage some friends…then invite them to come eat chocolate and watch the movie with you.
Hugs, Beth
If you know a woman who would be blessed by this message, please share.