Dear Precious Momma,
You often come in late to church. Your arms are filled to capacity. You wear your precious baby on your hip and your toddler is holding your hand, while the diaper bag slides off of your shoulder. You finally get seated; worship has already begun and at some point the baby begins to cry. You try your best to quiet her, but she really is upset. Finally, you find her paci. You sway her from side to side, and bounce her up and down. She quiets for a moment or two, but starts back up just the same. Finally, you get that exasperated look and you swoop her up and head out to the cry room.

If it wasn’t her, it would be the little guy holding your hand. Many times, he begins babbling, super loud so everyone hears every word that he says. Sometimes he talks to you about his toy car or he drops it on the floor and has to dive under the seat in front of him to retrieve it. Other times he talks about his breakfast. And, he’s always moving around…touching the seats in front of him or behind him or next to him or all of them! Then there are the times when he makes noises and faces to make his sister laugh. Whatever he’s up to, you try to quiet him with his sippy cup. While it keeps him occupied for a moment, it doesn’t lower his voice. Then, you try a snack out of the diaper bag, but he just won’t be still. So, you grab his hand and holding the baby you head to the cry room.

You retreat to the place of infants and toddlers, where the noise isn’t heard by others. The place where babies can cry and toddlers can toddle with no one looking or listening. I pray this area is a place of comfort and rest within the church. A place of joy for your family whenever you desire.
But dear momma, I want you to know that we aren’t bothered by the wriggling toddler or the crying baby. We’re glad you’re at church with us. We aren’t looking at you annoyed. We’re looking at your precious child and marveling at who He is created in the image of God. We’re looking at the magnificence of new life and wondering about God’s plans for your baby. We’re looking at the beauty of motherhood. We’re admiring you for bringing your children to the place where they will learn to worship and love Jesus. We’re looking to see if there is any way we could help you and love you. We would jump at the chance to help and love every minute of it!

Lovely momma, you aren’t alone. More of us understand your wonderful, joyful, precious (while sometimes smelly) season of motherhood than you can imagine. It wasn’t that long ago when I had the crying baby and fidgety toddler and diaper bag. I remember the feeling I had in church. The feeling that my baby was interrupting a sacred time; The feeling that we were a distraction. The feeling that I had to keep them quiet. And, the feeling that we were a burden to those around us.

But, now that I’m on the other side, I know that isn’t the case and I want you to know it too. The babbles and even the cries are precious. We love to see and hear the next generation of Christ followers and we’re glad you’re here. The sweet hands on our seats are reminders of God’s faithfulness and of His blessing within our church. You and your littles aren’t a burden or a distraction. You are loved and you’re a cherished part of your church family. You’re a good momma and you’re loved by God. He sees you and He’s proud of how you are raising your babies to know Him. He knows that church schedules don’t always fit with infant schedules and He is delighted that you’re seeking and growing closer to Him.
So, dear momma, if you’re running late, and the baby starts to cry and the toddler gets wiggly, you’re still right where you should be.