We treasure what is important to us. And what we treasure is revealed by how we live. Who do you choose to spend time with? What activities do you choose? Abraham gave Lot the choice, and Lot intentionally set his tent up near Sodom, a sinful place (Gen. 13:10-12). “Now the men of Sodom were evil, sinning greatly against the Lord” (Gen. 13:13). Over time, Lot moved closer and closer to sin. We must intentionally determine not to be like Lot. Initially, he lived outside of Sodom., Later, we read that Lot was sitting at Sodom’s gate, indicating his importance in this community (Gen. 19:1). Lot and his family had established themselves in Sodom and they were gaining treasure there. They had friends, neighbors, and even fiancés for their daughters among the people of the evil city. When Lot attempted to protect the visiting angels, the sin of Sodom quickly moved to Lot’s porch. At this time, Lot struggled to keep it out of his home!

Like Lot, we often choose to move closer and closer to sin. Instead of totally fleeing from sin, we set our tents up right beside it. At first, we pass by the sin, but we are careful not to stop. Then, we catch ourselves stopping and gawking at the sin. At this stage, the sin is like a horror movie that we can’t stop watching! We don’t want to see it, but we’re to close to miss it! We don’t watch long before temptation draws us to take a small step toward the sin. We somehow think that the pleasure of this sin, will be worth disobeying God. We think that committing this sin gives us power, privilege, prestige, friends, and comfort that we long for. Once we are there, it’s difficult to leave.
Lot and his family found themselves comfortable with the sin around them. They valued the things of Sodom and their hearts were connected to the city. We don’t want to be like Lot. Abraham’s plea to God and Lot’s righteousness led to God bestowing him with amazing favor and grace! This grace would save Lot and his family from the eminent destruction. Lot should have been thankful. Have you ever considered why Lot and his family weren’t rejoicing that they were spared. If his family’s treasure was in the Lord, they would have been praising God as they left the city! Yet, we know that’s not how it went. Lot and his family hesitated! They were warned about the coming judgment, but they didn’t willingly leave; they lingered because they had treasure in Sodom. The angels had to lead them out, holding their hands! Lot’s family didn’t take God’s grace, judgment or guidance seriously.
How many times have we hesitated instead of obeying God? The Holy Spirit is our guide. Yet, we aren’t always quick to follow when He tells us to avoid this relationship or leave that place. Did you readily obey the last time the Holy Spirit told you to leave a sinful situation? Maybe He nudged your heart to turn off a certain movie or TV program. Or maybe you were with a group and you knew that God didn’t want you to be a part of what they were doing. When we are comfortable in a sinful place, it is difficult to leave. “Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2). Like Lot, we become desensitized to sin until it is standing on our front porch inviting itself in!

In one gesture, Lot’s wife revealed where her heart was. Instead of focusing on God, she looked back. Her heart wasn’t with God, so she wasn’t willing to obey Him. Lot’s wife had treasure in Sodom and that treasure took precedence over her obedience to God. Where is your treasure? If God told you to leave your home and belongings to serve Him overseas, would you obey immediately? Anything that you put in front of obedience to God, is an idol. Consider where you spend your time, energy, money, and talents. If you have a heart for God, you will spend these things pursuing God. “Don’t collect for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But collect for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves don’t break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt. 6:19-21). There is no greater treasure than God and His kingdom! He is faithful and trustworthy and He has wonderful plans to bless you!
God’s plans include redemption and abundant life, but we often allow our past to interfere with His plan! When we’ve been in a place for a long time a piece of our heart may remain there. Some of these places, seasons, or relationships hold great memories and even seasons of growth. Perhaps you have visited the house or neighborhood where you grew up. Do you feel like a part of you is still there? A struggle occurs when, like Lot’s wife, we leave a piece of our heart in a sinful situation. If you are looking back at a sinful place or relationship, take the time to determine why you are gripped by this specific sin. Ask God to give you the strength to fully disengage from the situation or place where you are lingering. God encourages us to move forward and to focus on Him. “Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:13-14). We are to leave the past behind and move forward in Christ.
Lack of obedience reveals who or what is Lord to us. If Jesus is our Lord, we will readily obey Him. But, if He isn’t we will disobey and fall into whatever sin is near. This sin may seem enticing but it ultimately brings disaster. “The thief comes only to steal, and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they might have life and have it in abundance” (John 10:10). We receive the abundant life when we obey the One who is “the way, the truth, and the life…” (John 14:6).
I would love to hear from you. How do you keep from getting comfortable with the sin that is near (maybe at your job or school)? How do you test where your treasure is?